Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Father's Day

For Father's Day Eric told me not to do anything extraordinary this year. Let me tell you that my love language has never been and will never be "gifts". I wasn't planning on taking a trip to Hobby Town to buy him something that he probably didn't really want and would be returned eventually anyhow. Instead of material things, the kids and I planned a special day just for Eric. It started off with Sam waking up early and bringing into our bedroom home-made presents he helped wrap the day before that were hidden in his closet. Sam & I snuck downstairs to make coffee, waffles, and scrambled eggs for Eric to enjoy in bed. After forcing Eric to eat loads of food, we went on a family run and poor Eric ended up pushing the jogging stroller the whole time in extreme humidity. Next, the "boat moms" and I organized a Dads on the Lake afternoon for Eric and the "boat dads" to be on the lake without kids. (It sounded like they didn't quite know what to do with themselves without the kids in tow though.) Finally, we had a delicious summer meal of sirloin kabobs with grilled vegetables for dinner. Unfortunately, I'm not that great at the grill so Eric had to do all the grilling. As the sun was setting and the kids were playing in the play house (actually Sam was working on the play house roof), it was evident that it turned out to be an extraordinary day because of an extraordinary dad.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


For my 35th birthday I decided to host a yoga on the beach event with some of my mom friends. I hired babysitters to watch the kids at a nearby playground while the beach moms did yoga from a video off my laptop. The yoga started off a little tricky with clingy children, quick sand areas, & sun glare. Sam was especially reluctant to go with the babysitters and chose to dangle from me while in the downward dog position than play on an actual playground. Go figure.
Today was a great reminder of the many blessings I have in my life. The line of minivans that followed me to the beach, the kids, the sand in every crevice, & the crazy tan lines from a built in sports bra tank is my definition of 35. It's going to be a great year!

We had the beach to ourselves for most of the morning. 

Laura & Maisie are basking in the sun and Molly is being shy. 

Ross volunteered to be buried. 

I can picture myself longing for these moments in the future. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Simple things

It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all. -Laura Ingalls Wilder

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Preschool Graduate & Dam to Dam

She did it, Laura graduated from preschool and is off to kindergarten! During the spring sing graduation, I was that parent that had to wipe away tears. Laura looked so grown up and confident. I swear, it feels like we just brought her home from the hospital. Seeing her singing and looking for us with her big smile made me really feel like a proud mom. I told Eric that he's in charge of the first day of kindergarten drop off, I don't want to have to dig into her backpack on the first day to smuggle Kleenex from her school supplies. 
Now that Laura is finished with preschool, there's room for Sam to go in the fall. We just received the official letter that told us Sam will be at my school. Yea!
I've been on summer break for a week now. Last weekend Eric's parents visited and Aunt Liz, Grandpa, & I ran in the Dam to Dam race. We had a wet and windy wait for the buses to pick us up to take us to the Saylorville Dam. While waiting in the giant line before dawn, it reminded me a lot of Black Friday shopping. Totally stupid, yet I do it every year. When will I ever learn?
Everyone finished the race with better times than the previous year. At the end of the race, we met up with the rest of the fam without any problems. Grandma packed some pretty fun Frozen coloring pages and Sam and Laura sat in the middle street of the most crowded part of the post race area and colored their brains out. That's a good busy bag, Grandma!
Post race we took an "ice bath" in Saylorville Lake while taking the pontoon for a cruise. My lips were blue when I got out but I will say I had minimal soreness the next day.  
The rest of the pictures will speak for themselves. 
Hooray for summer break!