Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tight Tummy

Laura told her preschool teacher she does an ab workout video with her mommy because her mommy wants a tight tummy.

Thanks Laura...I have to work with these people, you know.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Mall

We ventured to Jordan Creek Mall today. Here is the conversation I always have with myself when it comes to mall trips:

Should I bring the stroller?

Yes, the kids can ride in it and you can hold your bags in the compartment below.

Who are you kidding? The kids will ride in it for 30 seconds, fight over who gets to push the damn thing, and you'll spend half the trip looking for an elevator and the other half of the trip waiting for the elevator.

That 30 seconds they do ride in it could be pure bliss...

I chose against the stroller today and the trip went pretty well until it was time to go. We were leaving Dillard's with some jeans we bought for Eric that will likely be returned. It was getting close to nap time and Sam was moving at a snail's pace. He doesn't like to be carried at convenient times any more so I didn't attempt to pick him up and have World War III break loose. While I was corralling him towards the door a little old granny stopped me and told me she wished she could just pick him up and kiss his cheeks. Her baby boy is all grown up in Denver, Colorado now. Sometimes I need reminders like that...

I made sure to kiss those adorable cheeks.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Aunt Duty

I have very vivid memories of little Greg calling Aunt Judy, "Aunt Duty". Yesterday Great Aunt Judy came to visit and wouldn't you know it, Sam calls her "Duty" too.  It was a full day of fun. We played outside, made a snowman, made cookies, worked out our abs with Jillian Michael's Six Week Six Pack video, and played and played. We think Aunt Duty is pretty awesome!